IBIS analyses, manages, and mitigates risk for our clients in over 50 countries every year.
Analysis through Due Diligence:
- Are local company directors, your contact individuals, or key personnel, PEP(s)?
- The phrases: “That’s the way things are done here in Kleptostan”, “Don’t worry my cousin’s friend is the Emir”, or “We will be looked after if you give me $$ to pay the government inspectors”, from a local agent, have proved disastrous for many companies.
- No matter which country IBIS examines, we use the same general criteria for individuals and companies as we do in North America, e.g. litigation, criminal activity, negative local media reputation, track record, connections, and many more. We always look at specialized issues due to the location, etc.
- Is the country known for bribery, corruption, fraud, or kidnapping?
- If the plan would be “questionable” at best, 130 km from Head office, why is it so attractive 13,000 km away?

Management of Global Operations:
- Situation Report: It may not be prudent for your company’s manager to visit a global location inconspicuously or to look for malfeasance. IBIS can, use non-alerting pretexts or as independent contractors doing internal research about your firm’s operations. We are friendly and polite, but firm.
- Kidnapping threat: IBIS has experience in negotiating the return of kidnapped individuals as well as extortion attempts. We train your “about to be deployed” personnel, and your risk management team and drill them into possible scenarios
- Security: Are the local security guards you got from the phone book effective or do they actually increase your vulnerability? IBIS can provide security assessment audits and effective, efficient, and trained security personnel and supervision for as long as necessary.

- Technical Services: What do you need so that you can monitor your sites’ production, and activity, and be able to deter and prevent external or internal theft?
- Fraud and theft response: If your audits have detected an unexpected anomaly in the assets, or cash flow IBIS can dispatch an investigator or consultant to determine if the loss is due to theft, carelessness, waste, lack of knowledge, payments to the VAT inspector, or extortion.