Private Investigation
Private Investigations
Since 1976, IBIS has provided accurate, timely, situation-specific, discreet, real-world private investigations. Each year we work in over 45 Countries.
We enable clients to make informed decisions. We locate and interview witnesses, take statements, perform surveillance, gather facts, and investigate all of the circumstances surrounding the incident in question.
IBIS Technical Services include Computer Forensic Services and De-Bugging Sweeps for embassies, companies, residencies, and government facilities

Specialized Services
Specialized Services
IBIS technical services include de-bugging, Audio/Visual Enhancement, and Computer and Communication Forensics and Drone detection, to augment our Investigation services.
Drones, IMSI Catcher detection, VLF, and ULF detection are the latest tools we now deploy.
Our Audio and Video Enhancement Lab and our Computer and Mobile Phone forensics team augment IBIS Investigation and Intelligence sections.
IBIS Specialized Services are special projects such as an Anti-Counterfeiting Task Force, Counter-Surveillance, Counter Terrorism, Counter Insurgency, Kidnap and Ransom training and response, Praedial Larceny Investigations, Labor Unsettlements, Risk Mitigation, etc.

Business Abroad
Doing Business Abroad
IBIS manages Global Enterprise Risk for companies with branch plants, subsidiaries, contractors, manufacturers, suppliers, or markets in friendly countries but also in countries that are known, assumed to be, or decidedly are not, allies of the head office country.
We analyze the current or projected venture (no matter what type of industry), with Due Diligence with HUMINT information, (on-the-ground research by IBIS in-country people, not just internet searches!). We focus on our client’s specific industry, the practical and theoretical legal systems, as well as the foreign vs local issues and the practical requirements, not off-the-shelf computer projections or boilerplate generalizations.
IBIS examines the venture for all areas of operation from compliance, to labor, to property and assets, to security issues, to political risk, or whatever our client needs.